Monday, October 29, 2012

Zombies Hate Fast Food

It seems you can't go anywhere these days without hearing about evil Zombies and their plot to eat us all alive.  At Halloween it's even more prevalent.  I had to giggle when I came across this image on a fitness blog  this weekend.

A humorous take on yet another good reason for us to strive for better health.  It made me think, how many more reasons do I, or anyone else for that matter, need to improve our health?  I know my list is long-I want to please God by respecting the body he gave me, the bad genes that put me at risk for heart disease and diabetes, my self respect, active kids that need an active mom, keeping up with a fiance that is in great physical shape and simply just to live the most fulfilling life I can.  In essence, it is much like the silly picture above-I am exercising and controlling what I eat because I am running for my life.  

If a Zombie were really chasing us so they could munch on our brains, wouldn't we do whatever we could to outrun them? Shouldn't we want to do whatever we can to lessen the risk of health complications and thus live a better life?  So what holds us back?  Just  a little something to think about today on this wonderful Monday!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Little Fighter

If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times-I love it when things just seem to come together!  This morning I received Bonnie’s email from Pfit where she referenced her husband Steve’s blog which had a great message. I have been feeling a little sluggish in many areas of my life and it seems like my oomph, my ‘fight’ is just not what it used to be. The Pfit message really turned the light on in my head, thank you God  for leading me to it:

If you aren’t willing to fight for what you want, you deserve what you get. 

This message is simple, profound, timely and useful in many areas of my life at the moment.  I feel that I have been in the fight for what seems like most of my life and there are days I want to give up.  I have to remember that God gave me a fighting Irish spirit for a reason-because He knew I would need it and he knew I would USE it. 

I work in a male-dominated occupation where I often sit at a negotiation table with people who have been working longer than I have been alive and some who like to underestimate me.  Some of my cohorts call me the Little Fighter because when I know my position is correct, I don't back down. Since I am in the fight so much at work, it is hard to do so in my personal life. I must stay in the fight for better health, to set a foundation for my upcoming marriage, in order to gain a more comfortable financial position, to ensure success for myself and my family in all areas of life, etc.….my fight list is long.  If I opt to not fight for those things which are most important, than I truly do deserve what I get. 

The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.  Proverbs 13:4 (NIV)  

Even when I grow weary I have to remember that keeping a fighting spirit will bring me satisfaction and accomplishment.   I pray God gives me the strength to stay diligently in the fight for all that is necessary and important.  

Monday, October 22, 2012

Keeping the Faith

B and I have started taking 10 mile hikes every other weekend.  While we frequent the gym and are both in great physical shape, the 10 mile hike can be a test.  Let me first start off by saying since we live in the Great Plans, it's not much of a hike in the sense of any elevation change.  The terrain, as an old railroad track, is flat, somewhat uneven in spots with great views of farms and wildlife. It takes us from one small town to the next and back again. Yesterday's trek was rough on us both.  I am unsure why but could be because we have both been working out extra hard at the gym since we challenged one another to get back to our goal weights. I also think we were just simply worn out from a stressful week at work and just life in general.  There was more than one instance when we both said we didn't know if we could make it to the end-but we did.

What if B and I had just stopped on our hike?  One of us would have had to go get the car, breaking up our 'team'. If it were him going to get the car and me being left behind, I would have been fearful of just plain surviving-coyotes and strangers frequent this trail. We are stronger as a team and finishing together is the goal.

 In life, what if we decided to run our own race without God or the support of others?  Our likelihood of survival and ultimate salvation are not as great. In the picture below it shows me on the trail alone, but as in life, looks can be deceiving.  B is right behind me, ready to catch up after he took the shot and God is by my side. It is my journey, but I am not alone.

At the ultimate finish line, I want to be able to say what 2 Timothy 4:7 says, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Keep the faith, friends!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Free Prevention

I have been doing a lot of research, okay really a lot of Pinterest, Facebook, and blog reading about fitness.  I love how I feel when I am healthy-exercising regularly and eating right.  Seems I can't get enough on the subject lately and who can resist all those catchy fitness quotes and motivational pictures on Pinterest?

This morning I read an article stating that the highest growing population of obese people are the severely obese.  Made me super sad for these folks, what if they would have found the tools when the weight gain began to be successful at a healthier lifestyle?  Could they have stopped their cycle and ended up leading productive lifestyles rather than settle for one that is hindered by poor health?  Obesity is one of the largest growing causes of death, I pray that more people can find the tools to help prevent it.

I could go on and on about all the negative crap.  However, it's Friday and I am going to stay in the positive.  So, here's the positive-although obesity claims the lives of many people every day it can be prevented.  Even better-prevention is practically FREE.  All that reading I have been doing is FREE.  Recipes on Pinterest, workouts shared by friends, online news articles, blogs....all FREE. I just finished the Peak313 Challenge and it was totally FREE.  Clare posted everything on her website for us to use in our journeys.  Although I do belong to a gym, workouts can be done anywhere! Some of my best workouts have been while enjoying the beauty of God's earth.  Of course there is the factor of purchasing shoes or equipment or those cute little outfits when you lose the pounds after working hard, but isn't that worth the price if it extends your life?

Just a small thought for this Friday and here is a little recap of the challenge I just completed.  It's a FREE guide/reminder/motivation.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Peak313 Challenge-I'm going to miss you!!!

Wow, the last week of my Peak313 Challenge and 21/2 weeks left on my challenge with B.  I had lost a pound the week before I started Peak313 on my other challenge. I have lost 4 pounds on the Peak313 challenge, bringing my total to 5 pounds in 6 weeks.  Only 7 more to go to hit my goal weight.  I have gained much more than I have lost though, the Peak313 Challenge has been a true God-send.  Here are my results:

Week One-I didn't lose any weight, but I definitely saw changes in my lifestyle. I worked out 6 days a week and did a really good job counting my calories. I went back to giving everything to God, realizing my spiritual, emotional and physical health must all be in concert.  This time around I only had 12 to lose and I reminded myself I once lost 3.5 times that.

Week Two-LOST THREE POUNDS!!!!  Made me 33% of my goal.  I followed the challenge for the week to give my worries to God and remember that each day had it's own worry.  Rather than worrying for tomorrow, I started planning for tomorrow.  Packing my lunches and preparing healthy meals ahead of time really paid off.  I also managed to find time for longer workouts because I planned ahead of time.

Week Three-Again no weight loss but it was a great week recognizing my cravings and how to ask God for help.  I figured out my food and non-food cravings were related, which was sort of humorous and interesting at the same time.  The one thing I did realize was that writing about my food cravings really didn't make me crave them more, which was the opposite of what I figured would happen.

Week Four-Lost one pound and worked on making my heart healthy. Enjoyed a wonderful extra 10 mile hike on top of my regular exercise.  Keeping bad food, people, thoughts and influences out of my heart makes it an all around healthy organ.  There goes that spiritual, emotional and physical connection again-don't you just love it?

Week Five-Last week of the challenge made me sad.  I loved reading others blogs and progress, not to mention getting the weekly Soul Food verses to keep me going.  I didn't end up losing any weight this week but again, I feel better and my workouts are getting stronger and longer.  The challenge reminded me that this is not a sprint, but a marathon and one that lasts an earthly lifetime.  Some races will be won, others will be lost.  I must keep in mind that my spiritual, physical and emotional health are what God wants for me as his child.  The ultimate finish line is not a number on a scale or a smaller size of jeans, it's eternity.

I hope everyone enjoyed the challenge and I am going to miss it so bad!!!  Okay, Clare....give us another one, please?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Non-Traditional Bullying

We all hear a lot about double standards, but one has come to light a lot in my life recently that I feel is worth  mentioning.  I understand I may receive some criticism or people will not be fond of this post, but this is my blog that contains my thoughts, opinions, values and so on.

The double standard I am talking about is a form of bullying. Attacking one's physical appearance.  No I am not talking about making fun of someones hair or unattractive nose.  I am speaking about those who attack others about their weight and physical health.  You can't pick up a news article or peruse Facebook without seeing a story about how a bully called another person fat or lazy.  But how often do we hear about people being bullied for being in good physical health and therefore slender, athletic or muscular in stature?

I can all ready hear those who disagree with me....what is she saying?  No one makes fun of skinny people, everyone picks on people who are overweight.   It is my stance that bullying that is not traditionally recognized in the media is just as prevalent as the more publicized bullying is.  Let me just give you an example of a few things that I have heard aimed toward me in the last few months:

  • Don't you ever eat?  The truth is I love to eat, to plan meals and enjoy treats.  I also watch my calories as to not overdue it (I have been overweight before).  I am also not underweight.  I do not have an eating disorder and I do not starve myself.  Doesn't sound like bullying to you?  Then tell me this-is it any different than someone saying to an overweight person you must eat a lot?  

  • You spend so much time in the gym that you probably never see your family. Actually, I typically try to work out while my family is still sleeping or otherwise engaged.  It is not the business of anyone how I run my life, but when you assume I don't spend time with my family it really stings because family time is my most cherished possession.  Sounds like more mean statements to me.

  • Your fiance must really push you to be skinny and that's too bad, he should love you the way you are.  I hear this so much and I realize it's because I post on Facebook frequently about how B and I get our cardio time in together. We also challenged one another to get back to our goal weights, which I have also been public about.  Since I make it public, these crude comments should not really bother me but they do a little.  B loves me the way I am, but he also understands the value of good health and that I am not happy when I have let my weight get out of control.  The way he cooks healthy meals and suggests a walk over dessert actually shows me how much he does love me.  
 Bullying takes on several forms and it can be aimed at anyone. It hurts just as bad even if it is not what is considered to be 'traditional' bullying.  I just wish more people would recognize that.  

Happy Saturday!

Monday, October 8, 2012

I'm Moving

After Week 4 of the Peak313 Challenge and Week 5 of my challenge with B, it looks like I managed to lose a pound last week, bringing my loss to 5 pounds.  I still can’t get over how good I feel, despite what the scale may say and I need to remember I am almost half way to my 12 pound weight loss goal.

The Soul Food for last week was Proverbs 4:23, which reminds us how our hearts should be guarded.  I had a great week meditating on the verse and contemplating guarding my heart, but not closing it.  Letting good things in while keeping bad things out is metaphorical: think fatty high cholesterol foods/nasty mean spirited people or physical exercise/spiritual exercise.  I like the thought of my heart being the center of it ALL-my spiritual, emotional and physical well beings all depend on my heart. 

The Soul Food for Week 5 (the final week L) of the Peak313 Challenge just seems to emphasize where I am in my life: 

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.                               1 Thessalonians 5:23.

 The challenge for this week is to remind ourselves that nothing is a sprint, it’s a marathon and one that we will be on forever.  Quitting is not an option and we must ask God for strength when times get rough.

Hey, that sounds like my spiritual, emotional and physical well beings that I keep referring to. It also speaks to my slow but sure journey I am on with physical fitness, single parenting, preparation for re-marriage, and most of all-my relationship with God.  Thanks Peak313, this is timely-I love it when a plan comes together! J

I saw this quote on the Facebook of someone who is on a quest for better physical fitness:

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.~Will Rogers.

So true!  I can easily say I’m participating in this or that challenge or heading in the right direction, but can I easily say that I am MOVING?  It doesn’t matter how fast I move, as long as I do.  The marathon is ahead of me but there several races that will be won or lost along the way.  I pray for the strength to run  each race with the ultimate finish line in mind-salvation. 

Happy Monday and enjoy your marathon!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

From Hurtful to Heart-full

The Soul Food for Week 4 of the Peak313 Challenge is Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23 The challenge is to confront hurtful things of the past, realize how we react to hurtful situations currently and for the future, figure out what can be done to put some worries and hurt to rest.  Tall order, but I am up for it.

I guard my heart, maybe too much because it has been hurt, broken and beaten time and time again.  It's hard to let someone in after you go through so much.  Fortunately after many years of praying, I am able to let others in easier.  It is still somewhat of a challenge and something I will probably always wrestle with.  Sometimes I giggle at some of the silly things I did early in my relationship with B so I could keep him at arms length and my heart guarded.  My strong man persevered and would not be detoured by my silliness.  What a lucky girl I am.  I keep a close watch on this heart of mine....for you I'd walk the line-no wonder it's 'our song.'

I believe a lot of us have many hurtful comments from the past that creep up. From mean girl comments, to things said by old boyfriends and even nasty words from family members.  I won't even get started on the mess from my failed marriage.   I could go on and on all day about all that crud. But is that really the point of this challenge? Not for this girl, I want to stay in the positive.  I am going to focus on the now and the future.

As far as how I react to hurtful situations now, let me start with the most extreme. It took me a long time but something I heard in a sermon one day really clicked with me-Forgiving someone for hurting you does not mean you have to let them be in your life.  Too many times society sends a different message.  We are taught that forgiveness is allowing people in your life that have hurt, currently hurt and will most likely hurt you again.  I can forgive someone while guarding my heart.  I don't have to spend holidays with the relative that was abusive, I don't have to socialize with catty women who make mean girl comments (still,at this age?) and I can end the conversation when my wasband starts pushing my buttons.  My forgiveness is in my heart, something I ask God for, and not something I have to prove by letting hurtful people around.

For non-extreme hurtful moments, I try to start with prayer and ask God to help me understand why someone hurt me or realize if I was part of the equation.  I also try to not close my heart, which I have to remember is different than guarding it.  There are also times that I realize it's really not worth getting worked up over, too many other things to worry about.  Now, THAT is one peaceful feeling.

The journey from hurtful to heart-full is an interesting and sometimes scary path. I hope to continue to give my worries to God, for him to guide me through any hurtful situation and to help me forgive those who have hurt me.  It is also MY choice how I let others treat me, how I react to it and how it affects my heart. I choose a healthy heart.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Balancing the Brownies

Week 3 of my Peak313 Challenge and Week 4 of my challenge with B have ended.  I had a great week of healthy eating and awesome workouts.  I really pushed myself to battle the cravings that were the center of the Peak313 goals.  I also resolved not to be so focused on the scale, although I do feel a tad disappointed that I ended up staying the same weight and not losing this week.  My clothes fit better and I FEEL better, so that's my measure of success this time around.

I found some interesting connections between my top 3 food and non-food cravings while spending time meditating and memorizing the Peak313 Soul Food for Week 3, 1 John 2:16.  My three blogs on Cheese Fries/Family Time, Cheesecake/Financial Stability and Chinese/An Organized Lifestyle really helped me figure out each craving and how to keep them in balance and check.  Plans to maintain moderation and resolving to keep everything balanced now fill my head and notebook.  Now only to balance my lifestyle and  find time to organize those plans.  :-)

I had the ultimate challenge Saturday night for anyone trying to maintain or lose weight, THE COOKOUT.  A girlfriend of mine recently bought a house and I knew there was going to be all sorts of yummy treats filling the tables.  I was prepared, prayed for strength, resolved to keep my cravings in check and eat only the things I really wanted and to keep those portions small.  Armed with my healthy appetizer, I headed to the party.  I was happy to see lots of people there to talk to, that helps me from pigging out.  However.....the only seat left was right next to the food and right next to the cutest sweetest little girl who I will call K.

K is the daughter of a friend of mine, she was fresh from getting a new pixie haircut and was thrilled she helped her mom bake triple chocolate brownies.  Oh no, I could feel it coming on....the puppy dog eyes stared me down and asked me if I was going to try one of her brownies.  Brownies had not been on my list of things I would eat that evening, but how could I say no?  I ate a small one and raved about how wonderful it was.  Little K was thrilled and her smile made my night.

Cravings, both food and non-food, aren't always bad as long as they are taken in small bites and only occupy a small spot on our plates. This week God helped me recognize and start to battle my cravings with moderation and balance, while reminding me I am human. A few years ago that brownie would have turned into two and I would have never thought about praying for help.  Finding that connection between spiritual health and physical health is the best weight loss 'secret' anyone could uncover.

Hope all the Peak313 ladies had a great week, let's make this one even BETTER!