Monday, October 15, 2012

Peak313 Challenge-I'm going to miss you!!!

Wow, the last week of my Peak313 Challenge and 21/2 weeks left on my challenge with B.  I had lost a pound the week before I started Peak313 on my other challenge. I have lost 4 pounds on the Peak313 challenge, bringing my total to 5 pounds in 6 weeks.  Only 7 more to go to hit my goal weight.  I have gained much more than I have lost though, the Peak313 Challenge has been a true God-send.  Here are my results:

Week One-I didn't lose any weight, but I definitely saw changes in my lifestyle. I worked out 6 days a week and did a really good job counting my calories. I went back to giving everything to God, realizing my spiritual, emotional and physical health must all be in concert.  This time around I only had 12 to lose and I reminded myself I once lost 3.5 times that.

Week Two-LOST THREE POUNDS!!!!  Made me 33% of my goal.  I followed the challenge for the week to give my worries to God and remember that each day had it's own worry.  Rather than worrying for tomorrow, I started planning for tomorrow.  Packing my lunches and preparing healthy meals ahead of time really paid off.  I also managed to find time for longer workouts because I planned ahead of time.

Week Three-Again no weight loss but it was a great week recognizing my cravings and how to ask God for help.  I figured out my food and non-food cravings were related, which was sort of humorous and interesting at the same time.  The one thing I did realize was that writing about my food cravings really didn't make me crave them more, which was the opposite of what I figured would happen.

Week Four-Lost one pound and worked on making my heart healthy. Enjoyed a wonderful extra 10 mile hike on top of my regular exercise.  Keeping bad food, people, thoughts and influences out of my heart makes it an all around healthy organ.  There goes that spiritual, emotional and physical connection again-don't you just love it?

Week Five-Last week of the challenge made me sad.  I loved reading others blogs and progress, not to mention getting the weekly Soul Food verses to keep me going.  I didn't end up losing any weight this week but again, I feel better and my workouts are getting stronger and longer.  The challenge reminded me that this is not a sprint, but a marathon and one that lasts an earthly lifetime.  Some races will be won, others will be lost.  I must keep in mind that my spiritual, physical and emotional health are what God wants for me as his child.  The ultimate finish line is not a number on a scale or a smaller size of jeans, it's eternity.

I hope everyone enjoyed the challenge and I am going to miss it so bad!!!  Okay, Clare....give us another one, please?

1 comment:

  1. Aww! You are so sweet and I feel bad about stopping it now! :)
    You did such a great job!! Proud of you! Be sure to stick around bc there will be another challenge--the question is when--(and what!)

