Monday, October 29, 2012

Zombies Hate Fast Food

It seems you can't go anywhere these days without hearing about evil Zombies and their plot to eat us all alive.  At Halloween it's even more prevalent.  I had to giggle when I came across this image on a fitness blog  this weekend.

A humorous take on yet another good reason for us to strive for better health.  It made me think, how many more reasons do I, or anyone else for that matter, need to improve our health?  I know my list is long-I want to please God by respecting the body he gave me, the bad genes that put me at risk for heart disease and diabetes, my self respect, active kids that need an active mom, keeping up with a fiance that is in great physical shape and simply just to live the most fulfilling life I can.  In essence, it is much like the silly picture above-I am exercising and controlling what I eat because I am running for my life.  

If a Zombie were really chasing us so they could munch on our brains, wouldn't we do whatever we could to outrun them? Shouldn't we want to do whatever we can to lessen the risk of health complications and thus live a better life?  So what holds us back?  Just  a little something to think about today on this wonderful Monday!

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