Monday, September 17, 2012

I Came, I Challenged, I Stayed the Same...or Did I?

I woke up this morning with great anticipation of stepping on the scale, I had completed both week 2 of my challenge with B to get back to our goal weights as well as week 1 of the fitness challenge at Peak313.  I held my breath....come on I worked so hard....the number glowed before me and it was-THE SAME as it was last week!  WHAT???? How could this be? I counted my calories every day and worked my tail off exercising 6 days this week (even though I had planned on 7).  How did I stay the same? I feel different but my weight has not changed.  

The truth is I haven't stayed the same.  I am defined by so much more than the number on the scale.  This week I spent more time with my God, asking for strength and giving all my worries (not just weight issues) to him.  I have truly felt his presence this week and was blessed time and time again by his goodness. I feel my relationship with my heavenly father growing and changing daily.  It is not the same as it was last week or yesterday. 

I easily recalled how good I felt after hard workouts once I got back in to the routine this week.  Do I have sore muscles?  Yes.  Blisters from my new running shoes?  Oh yeah.  But it's the kind of hurt that reminds me everything worth having requires work.  Nothing happens without discipline.  My work ethic is changing too and I feel the drive I did when I had over 40 pounds to lose, not 12.  Hebrews 12:11 has been a good verse for me to meditate on this week along with the Peak 313 verse that I memorized.  

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11 (NIV)

I was more disciplined with my eating habits this week and stopped to pray if I felt I was eating out of emotion.  I feel the changing inside me to move away from eating out of sadness, happiness, anxiety, the list goes on and on.  My calorie count went well this week and I didn't even lie to MyFitnessPal app!  That sort of makes me giggle now but I am still ashamed I once did that.  

I will not be discouraged by the number on the scale, I feel God changing me for the better.  My physical, emotional and spiritual fitness will all be in sync one day and I keep praying I will be able to maintain them for a lifetime.  Time to head in to another week of both my challenges and I am positive that something successful will be reported again next week!

Love to all my Peak313 Challenge friends-KEEP IT UP!!!



  1. I worked out 6 days last week, too, and did well with my calories, and the scale didn't change for me either. Kind of frustrating, but we got to keep on keeping on!

    1. These bodies....we never know what they are going to do. I'm glad you are sticking with it as well. Next week is ours. :-)
