Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Craving Connection Part 1

This week my Peak313 Challenge is about cravings.  The Soul Food is 1 John 2:16, which speaks to cravings and how they are sinful and of the world. Clare, who facilitates the Peak313 Challenge, challenged us to list our top three cravings, when we tend to have them and to pray and take control of them.  It was also mentioned that cravings are not always food cravings.  As I was  contemplating my list, I figured out my food cravings coincide with my non-food cravings. Can any else see the little light bulb above my head?

Today is Part 1 of 3 and the subject is: Cheese Fries and Family Time.  Oh, cheese fries, how I crave you-almost as much as I crave time with my family!  

Food Craving #1-Cheese Fries. Specifically Eskimo Joe's cheese fries with bacon.  There is a reason their logo has huge smiles. 

Non-Food Craving #1-Family Time.  Some may not call it a craving, but I do and sometimes it is to a fault.  I find myself hurt when I think they don't want to spend time with me, when it's usually because time/schedules do not allow it. I also sadly know that it has been a downfall in my co-parenting with my wasband (ex husband). Too many times  I was selfish and did not want to share the kids with him and there have been several times that I have lashed out at him because he doesn't seem to crave time with the kids like I do. I have found myself attempting to make my teen aged daughter, Lo, feel guilty if she would rather hang with friends than with me and her brother, Bubby. 

B's schedule and my schedule do not always sink up.  We dated four years before getting engaged and a lot of that time he was on business trips or I was traveling with my job or just busy with the kids.  Both B and I also have our own obligations, lives, friends, etc that we are used to since we have both been single for so long. I always see our time together as important and not always as much as I would want it to be. I tend to get mad or moody when we don't have our time together and I admit, unfairly take it out on him.

What does this have to do with Eskimo Joe's cheese fries?  Well, Eskimo Joes's is two hours from my home and in Stillwater where much of my family resides. The kids and I have enjoyed many memories there with family, each trip is always an event and something I cherish dearly. B and I have also made the trip.  To me cheese fries not only equal a cheesy yummy plate full of fun, but also fond memories of my family and the time I hold so dear. I find myself longing for cheese fries when I haven't seen or spent enough time with my family.  
I pray that God helps me resist too many cheese fries and helps me understand the balance between family time and life's other responsibilities. I pray He guides my ways and tongue when I feel hurt at the lack of family time. 
Tomorrow:  Cheesecake and Financial Stability.
Have a great day!  

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