Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Craving Connection Part 2

This week my Peak313 Challenge is about cravings.  The Soul Food is 1 John 2:16, which speaks to cravings and how they are sinful and of the world. I have found relationships between my food cravings and my non-food cravings.  Seems a little funny to me, but also makes a lot of sense.  Yesterday I tackled my craving for Cheese Fries and Family Time.  Today in Part 2 of 3 I take on Cheesecake and Financial Stability.  Before you laugh, to me there IS a connection between the two!

Food Craving #2-Cheesecake.  Enough said.

Non-Food Craving #2-Financial Stability.   I crave it so bad I feel defeated when an extra bill comes up or I don't get the raise I wanted. I also find myself envious of those who appear more stable than me.  I know that God wants us to be good stewards of our money and when I start feeling less stable, I feel like I have failed. 

I was a teenager when I had Lo and many times I wasn't sure if I could pay my bills. I was terrified she was going to grow up like I had, with parents that had no desire to gain or maintain financial stability.  I used that thought to drive me through college and graduate school while working full time.  I also married my wasband because I craved financial stability so deeply, only to find myself a single mother again seven years later.  Fortunately, although not always easy, I maintain a household where I pay the bills, where my children learn how to be responsible with money and there is a future for them. Of course that doesn’t mean I don’t worry about money, I do.  I pray that God helps me with that worry and reminds me of my blessings.

Does cheesecake equate to financial stability?  YES!  To me growing up, special things like cheesecake equaled extra money. I remember going to eat one time with a wealthy friend of mine.  Her parents took us to a nice restaurant with a dessert tray full of gorgeous cheesecakes that seemed very normal to them.  I remember being in awe but tried to hide my excitement so they wouldn’t know that this was not the norm for my family.

I know that our wealth is not measured by anything on this earth and I know it sounds a little silly, but cheesecake reminds me that good things in small quantities are better for both my physical and fiscal health. I can have a piece of cheesecake every now and then, it doesn’t make me fancy or wealthy by any means-it just reminds me that hard work affords small rewards.  I pray God continues to bless my family with good physical and fiscal health. I also pray for strength when I crave things that could damage either one of those. 
Tomorrow I finish up my Top 3 Cravings with Chinese Food and An Organized Lifestyle

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