I have been doing a lot of research, okay really a lot of Pinterest, Facebook, and blog reading about fitness. I love how I feel when I am healthy-exercising regularly and eating right. Seems I can't get enough on the subject lately and who can resist all those catchy fitness quotes and motivational pictures on Pinterest?
This morning I read an article stating that the highest growing population of obese people are the severely obese. Made me super sad for these folks, what if they would have found the tools when the weight gain began to be successful at a healthier lifestyle? Could they have stopped their cycle and ended up leading productive lifestyles rather than settle for one that is hindered by poor health? Obesity is one of the largest growing causes of death, I pray that more people can find the tools to help prevent it.
I could go on and on about all the negative crap. However, it's Friday and I am going to stay in the positive. So, here's the positive-although obesity claims the lives of many people every day it can be prevented. Even better-prevention is practically FREE. All that reading I have been doing is FREE. Recipes on Pinterest, workouts shared by friends, online news articles, blogs....all FREE. I just finished the Peak313 Challenge and it was totally FREE. Clare posted everything on her website for us to use in our journeys. Although I do belong to a gym, workouts can be done anywhere! Some of my best workouts have been while enjoying the beauty of God's earth. Of course there is the factor of purchasing shoes or equipment or those cute little outfits when you lose the pounds after working hard, but isn't that worth the price if it extends your life?
Just a small thought for this Friday and here is a little recap of the challenge I just completed. It's a FREE guide/reminder/motivation.
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