Monday, October 22, 2012

Keeping the Faith

B and I have started taking 10 mile hikes every other weekend.  While we frequent the gym and are both in great physical shape, the 10 mile hike can be a test.  Let me first start off by saying since we live in the Great Plans, it's not much of a hike in the sense of any elevation change.  The terrain, as an old railroad track, is flat, somewhat uneven in spots with great views of farms and wildlife. It takes us from one small town to the next and back again. Yesterday's trek was rough on us both.  I am unsure why but could be because we have both been working out extra hard at the gym since we challenged one another to get back to our goal weights. I also think we were just simply worn out from a stressful week at work and just life in general.  There was more than one instance when we both said we didn't know if we could make it to the end-but we did.

What if B and I had just stopped on our hike?  One of us would have had to go get the car, breaking up our 'team'. If it were him going to get the car and me being left behind, I would have been fearful of just plain surviving-coyotes and strangers frequent this trail. We are stronger as a team and finishing together is the goal.

 In life, what if we decided to run our own race without God or the support of others?  Our likelihood of survival and ultimate salvation are not as great. In the picture below it shows me on the trail alone, but as in life, looks can be deceiving.  B is right behind me, ready to catch up after he took the shot and God is by my side. It is my journey, but I am not alone.

At the ultimate finish line, I want to be able to say what 2 Timothy 4:7 says, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Keep the faith, friends!

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