Monday, November 26, 2012

Small Sacrifice, Big Reward -Holiday Challenge Week 1

As I posted previously, I am participating in the Peak313 Holiday Challenge.  Simply put it's a challenge that allows me to share something with others when I make a sacrifice.  It's geared toward giving up unhealthy habits over the holiday and replacing them with healthy ones.  This morning I didn't not want to leave my bed for the gym, but forced myself to give up my nice warm cozy spot to go do something healthy.  In return I am donating blankets so that others can have a warm bed. It just made me feel good knowing that when I gave something up I wasn't rewarding myself with an extra Diet Pepsi or maybe more sleep tomorrow morning, but instead giving something to others-actually rewarding myself greatly in the process. 

Was it a huge sacrifice to get up and go to the gym this morning?  No it wasn't since I am accustom to going to the gym often. However, I haven't been on a Monday in awhile and it was really cold, so I say small sacrifice.  :-) Will it be a huge burden  for me to donate blankets? My God always makes the ends at my house meet, so helping others is something that I am glad to do.  Will my sacrifices in the next 21 days be small or large?  Only time can tell, but I do want to challenge myself to really put myself out on a limb to help others this holiday season through donations of time, money and goods.  

As Clare wrote in her blog, God gave us the ultimate sacrifice so any sacrifice of mine is the least I can do.  Let us not forget “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

So who is going to join me?  Get your jar, start jotting it down when you make a sacrifice and decide what you will share with others.  Leftover pie in the fridge?  How about just half a piece and donating some canned items to the food bank?  Holidays give you the blues?  Try turning off the sad Christmas movie (yes there are some really sad ones) and take a walk instead, your reward could be some cash or time to your favorite charity.  

It's not too late, the deal is below and I can't wait to see your results!

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